I’m moving away

The excitement of new people and places.

I’m moving away

The eagerness to get out of this town,

that suffocates,

that causes insanity,

that destroys my soul.

I’m moving away,

The fear of being all alone.

I’m moving away,

my desire to stay with you, my love, 

who holds me up,

who keeps me sane,

who creates a brighter world.

Who I will miss with the width and breadth of the universe.

“If you want to…

“If you want to kill yourself, kill what you don’t like. I had an old self that I killed. You can kill yourself too, but that doesn’t mean you got to stop living.”

I know so many, many people,

who hate themselves, therefore their lives, therefore they want to die.

Now, I do not suffer depression, I do not pretend to understand it,

But I do understand change, and hope.

Change is the hardest thing for many of us,

“What do you MEAN I can’t live the exact same life that I did a year ago!?”

The world, the earth, the universe… It doesn’t work like that.

It’s always moving, growing, changing, living, and dying.

Change is beautiful. In my nineteen short years hear on Earth, 

I have lived, already, numerous, uncountable lives.

In regards to hope, as is my name so I believe I have thought about the meaning more than most.

Hope is like a spark, you can’t remember if you actually saw it there or not,

but if it’s cold in the winter, or your hungry for a warm meal,

You say “Yes, yes! I saw the spark! The flame will start any second!”

That is hope. Not just wishing for something, or praying for something,

but KNOWING, that someday soon, the spark will light a flame,

and all will be well.

With a love of change and the courage of hope I believe, truly,

that every single human being on Earth has the choice to be whatever, whoever, wherever, they want to be.

So kill yourself, kill all the parts of you that you despise, let yourself burn…

And then make room of change, for hope, for love and for life.

It is never too late to have hope, it is never too late to change.